Monday, October 27, 2008

A Proclaimation to All

It has come to my attention that there are many of you who frequent this blog regularly. Because of this, I have received many requests to update and edit our blog more often than I have been. Unfortunately I have been ridiculed, mocked, and scorned by many for my apparent inability to fashion our blog to the liking of our thousands of visitors. I will state this once and only once. I will not be persuaded to post anything recklessly or more swiftly than I am comfortable with. There are many daily occurrances at the Brown home that are more than worthy to be posted on this blog, but I will decide, and no outside evil influence will convince me, that I HAVE to post so heedlessly. It's not because I'm lazy or have poor spousal support on this blog, although at times it may appear so. It has to do with my personal decision to post or not to post.

Hopefully this will help all of those who constantly try to influence me to post. I would appreciate it if your ugly language, thoughts, and deeds would stop. I have lost many a sleepless night and tears because of your unnecessary actions.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Taylor Laughing and Crawling!

Taylor has been crawling for a couple weeks and last night she pulled herself up against the couch! She is growing up too fast. She will be 8 months on the 4th of September.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our View

Here is the view from our balcony in our room.

Jenny's Friend

Here is Jenny relaxing with a new friend before we went on an excursion. Jenny's probably having a better conversation with this guy than one she had with me on the entire trip.

Our Waiters

This is Mile and Victor. They were our waiters the whole trip. They brought us everything from lobster to New York steak. They also kept us entertained by bringing us an endless supply of chocolate melting cake.

These are our good friends Rachel and Danny Labrum. They went with us and they wouldn't have had nearly as much fun if we hadn't gone with them. I think Rachel's favorite part of the cruise was Mile and Danny seemed upset about it until Victor brought us the chocolate melting cake. After you eat that nothing else matters. The Labrums made the cruise 10 times more fun.

Our Cruise

Here is Jenny and I on deck the first day of our 10 year anniversary cruise. Long beach is in the background. What isn't in the background are our kids!

Here is Jenny and I at Senor Frogs. It's a crazy place to eat lunch. Between congo lines and having marshmellow fights we barely had enough time to eat.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Four Performers

Here are the four performers after the recital.

Kyms Dance

Here is Kymmie dancing. She is the one on the left. She has had a lot of fun dancing the last couple of years. She told her teacher however that she wants to play sports instead of dance because she can get college scholorship.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Morgans Dance

Here is Morgan dancing. She is the second from the right. She did such a great job. She has great rhythm and has real talent dancing. She had so much fun.

Reagan's dance

Here is Reagan dancing at her recital. The video isn't the best but Reagan is the little girl on the far left. And yes, that is me bringing her out on the stage. She is SOOO cute!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Kym's ribbons

Kym Won 7 ribbons all together.

1st-basketball toss-overall

basketball toss-girls Ms. Maddox

50 yard dash-Ms. Maddox

2nd-Distance run-Ms. Maddox

Sack Race- Ms. Maddox

4th- Tug-o-War- Ms. Maddox

5th- 50 yard dash- overall

Morgan had fun at Field Day

Someone made the mistake of buying cotton candy for Morgan during Field Day.

Kym shooting hoops

Here is Kym in the basketball toss. She not only won first place for girls in Ms. Maddox's class, but she also beat all the boys in her class and was first place for all the 3rd grade girls combined. She made 7 shots in 30 seconds to beat every girl in all four 3rd grade classes to win the blue ribbon.

Kym's 50 yard dash

Kym won another blue ribbon in the 50 yard dash. She is the fastest girl in Mrs. Maddox's class

Kym's Sack Race

Kym received a blue ribbon for first place in the sack race at the Midway Elementary field day. The camera ran out of batteries right before she crossed the finish line.

Morgan scores a goal

Morgan is quite the soccer player. She says her favorite thing is scoring goals. She is a lot of fun to watch. she is always hustling and isn't scared of anyone.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Two Hot Chicks!

Here is Jenny with Taylor. Aren't they the two cutest girls in the world.

Taylor is now smiling and laughing. She is the best baby and hardly ever fusses.
Morgan lost her third tooth last night. She got $3 from the tooth fairy.
This was taken after Morgan and Reagan found a can of mace in Carol Lee's purse. She accidentally got into her eyes and, because it burned so badly, she kept rubbing her face with a wet rag and rubbed her skin off.

We thought we would start off with Taylor's blessing dress. It was a very good day. Most of our family and friends were there.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome Everyone

After Ali showed us her blog we thought we would start our own. This will be a great way to show everyone pictures of the kids and let everyone know what is going on.